write permissions for group

On a samba share on Linux, I want to have a directory that can be written to by different users (members of a group called ‘users’). Subdirectories those users create also have to be writeable by every user in group ‘users’.

As a member of ‘users’ I make the directory and set the group, permissions, the setgid bit and the ACL:

mkdir testdirectory
chgrp users testdirectory
chmod 775 testdirectory
chmod g+s testdirectory
setfacl -d -m g::rwx testdirectory

The permissions of the directory are now drwxrwsr-x+, the group is ‘users’.
Result of getfacl testdirectory:

# owner: me
# group: users
# flags: -s-

Another member of group ‘users’ connects via SMB, and creates a file in ‘testdirectory’.
The file’s permissions are -rwxr--r--, the group is ‘users’.
Other group members are not allowed to change it.

A directory created by the same user in ‘testdirectory’ gets the permissions drwxr-sr-x+, group is ‘users’, and again other group members are not allowed to write to it.

I would have expected that every file and subdirectory inherits the permissions of ‘testdirectory’, but obviously I’m missing something.

How can I achieve the expected result?