Using rsync with whitelist mode only

I’m looking all over the place, but can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong since I want to use multiple includes with rsync.

I want it to work in “whitelist mode” for my Windows backup, where I specify a list of folders or PATTERNs, for example, but exclude literally everything else.

Here is the rsync command I am using in my script:

# Set initial rsync options
set -- -avAHX --delete --mkpath --progress

rsync "$@" 
  --include="Documents and Settings" 
  --include="Program Files" 
  --include="Program Files (x86)" 
  "$srcdir" "$dstdir"

Ignore the variable names at the moment unless it’s important. Just know that $srcdir has a slash at the end of it, if that matters.

When I use this, it still makes a bunch of empty folders from the Windows OS to the destination dir, but when I add --prune-empty-dirs at the beginning before --include="*/" it will ONLY copy over what is in “Documents and Settings”, but ignore all of my other --include statements.

What am I doing wrong?