I have a file in tabular format called emp.txt which has all details for employees.
eno ename esal ecity
1000 a 2000 Pune
2000 b 4000 Nagpur
3000 c 6000 Delhi
5000 d 1000 Hyderabad
Now I am trying to extract information using awk command for employee where esal is 6000.
Wrote the below expression but not getting desired output, any suggestions ?
awk '{if($3="6000") print $0}' emp.txt
Output I got,
eno ename 6000 ecity
1000 a 6000 Pune
2000 b 6000 Nagpur
3000 c 6000 Delhi
5000 d 6000 Hyderabad
Expected output
3000 c 6000 Delhi