I have multiple systemd services that require a generated EnvironmentFile. I have a shell script which generates this Environment file, but since I need that environment file before any Exec… commands execute, I cannot use ExecStartPre=generate_env_file.sh . Therefore, I have another service (generate_env_file.service) set to run that script as a oneshot:
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/touch /path/to/config.ini
and I have multiple other service files which have:
How can I guarantee that two or more dependent services (which require generate_env_file.service) will not run in parallel and spawn two parallel executions of generate_env_file.service?
I’ve looked at using RemainAfterExit=true or possibly StartLimitIntervalSec= and StartLimitBurst= to ensure that only one copy will execute at a time during some period but I’m not sure the best way to go about doing this.