How can I change the `ls` color for mounted folders, `dircolors` does not seem to have a mapping?

I spent some time with the dircolors man page today and have been able to adjust the colors for various file system elements. [directories, folders, links]
I’ve also noticed that directories which are mounted to other file systems are not the same mapping as directories. Furthermore I cannot find a way to map these because they don’t seem to be mapped by dircolors at all.
The following folders are mounted, and show up dark-blue with an underline:

~/data                -> /dev/sdb1 (secondary SSD)
/mnt/contoso/files     -> DFS Share: //contoso.local/files
/mnt/contoso/projects -> DFS Share: //contoso.local/projects

~/.dir_colors configuration

I’ve changed:

  • di: directory
  • ln: link
  • so: socket
  • do: door

But none of those altered the colors of these mounted directories. I printed all of the dircolors --print-ls-colors in attempt to find which setting matched the color of these mounted directories. As you can see, none of the options match the color of the mounted directories. Is there another tool which is responsible for coloring mounted directories, other than LS_COLORS / dircolors?
I’m surprised to find there is not already a mapping for them here, it seems like the proper scope, to me, to be looking for this.