Changing the text color for the SSH terminal prompt in Debian Bookworm

I just installed Debian Bookworm on a Raspberry Pi 4B. I work 90+% of the time via an SSH session. In this mode the screen in a sea of white characters on a black background. This makes finding the last command more difficult than I think it should be. To that end I researched how to change the colors of the prompt, the $PS1 variable in the ~/.bashrc script.

I created a new PS1 like this PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}[33[01;33m]u@h:[33[0;34m]w[33[0m]$ ' which has the host and user in yellow (interestingly lite brown) and the directory in blue. This works in the ~/.bashrc file when I save it and then run source ~/.bashrc. BUT, when I reboot it reverts to the default: white on black.

What am I doing wrong?…RDK45